
What Does Deontology Say About Animal Rights

Animal Welfare Ethics

Many times during life we are faced with ethical decisions concerning the welfare of animals. This may exist with scientists in the laboratory or the way in which we decide to brood and eat thousands upon thousands of animals each day.  The main arguments for these ethical and moral decisions can be based upon a number of models, two of which are utilitarianism and deontology.


Utilitarianism originates from the late 18th – 19th Century, and philosophers Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) were classic utilitarian'due south.  Their philosophy believes that the action is determined by the consequence and the outcome should be for the greater expert for the greater number.  A commonsensical decision is based upon what would be the greatest benefit for the hereafter and for the greatest number.  This benefit may be private or mass pleasure, the absence of hurting or intellectual gain. A utilitarian would explore the cost – do good analysis.  They determine what is correct by computing the amount of pleasure or suffering you retrieve your deportment may crusade.  The decision that is fabricated is the one that gives the most pleasance and the least suffering for the majority concerned.  This means that negative consequences may occur simply is outweighed by the benefits for the greater number.

Utilitarianism also asserts that when deciding how to human action, a person should e'er count other peoples and their own happiness as.  An example of a utilitarian determination would exist that the suffering of monkeys in a laboratory used to help cure Parkinson's affliction is less to the benefit of the human population if a cure was to be plant for the disease.  It may also be criticised by the example that intense mass chicken farms trigger more suffering to the chickens than the pleasance that the mass population of humans gain from eating those chickens.


Deontology originates from the Greek word 'duty' and its pregnant is to act a sense of duty or moral duty.  It is based upon good intentions where the outcome is less important.  Deontologists believe every bit humans we accept a duty to help other beings with their rights in consideration, and insist that the duty is delivered even if they themselves endure every bit a consequence.  Deontology tin work in many ways depending on the situation.  For case, a gamekeeper who shoots or traps wild predators perceives information technology equally being his duty to protect his game birds or livestock from beingness eaten past these wildlife.  On the other manus, a wildlife rescuer would disagree with the killing of these wild animals as they believe it is their duty to protect them.

Deontology serves the footing for moral ethics for both human being and creature rights.  Tom Regan (born 1938) is a famous philosopher who used the ethics of deontology in his volume 'The Case for Animal Rights'.  Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was another philosopher who used a deontological approach to his upstanding arguments on human being rights.

Both utilitarianism and deontology can accept positive effects on animal welfare ideals.  The philosopher Tom Regan takes a deontological approach believing every animal has rights and they should never be killed irrespective of the benefit to humans.  Peter Singer (built-in 1946) is a philosopher with utilitarian approach and argues that humans and animals are the same, and what is washed for mankind should be no unlike to other sentient beings.

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